Ezra Olubi

Ezra Olubi is a Nigerian entrepreneur, IT expert and co founder of Paystack. He is also known for his unusual dressing style.
Early Life and Education
Ezra Olubi holds a degree in computer science from the Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria in 2006. He won the programmer of the year for two consecutive years while a student of Babcock University.
Between 2008 and 2015, Ezra Olubi served at a few notable companies including Jobberman where he was CTO as well as Delivery Science before he co-founded Paystack along with Shola Akinde. Paystack would eventually become a critical game changer in Africa's financial space becoming the first Nigerian company to be accepted into YCombinator with subsequent investments of over 9.3million USD led by Tencent and Stripe and eventually acquired by Stripe for $200 million.
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