Extended Thinking

The Extended Thinking is a concept created by the Italian philosopher Emanuele Franz, and expressed in his work: The esoteric bases of microbiology. Principles for a new theory of life based on the Extended Thinking published in 2016.
In this work, the result of eight years of study and research, it is advanced a theory, the theory of the "Extended Thinking", which claims, among others, to explain life without using the evolutionism and to do that, it processes a new vision of the mind.
The concept of "Extended Thinking" is a kind of non-individual universal thought that examines the categories of innate thoughts, like those of substance, cause, effect, and so on, but that the author places "off" from individuality is that the community (distinguishing this from other concepts such as "extended mind" or "collective unconscious ")
placing this cognitive activity in the universe itself.
The basic idea of this study is a development, in a completely new meaning, of , which provides an internal model inside in the organism takes/expresses and not vice versa as it wants Darwinian evolutionism. This model is pre-existing and universal and embraces all organisms. It is therefore to determine which is this original model and in what relationships it enters with psyche and thought up to estimate the relationships and the influence on the body. The result will be, Thought determines the body and not vice versa.
This book claims to put forward a new theory of mind and a new vision on the conscious-unconscious relationship, it asserts what we usually call unconscious is not so unconscious and indeed, here it's called "wise/enlightened unconscious ". The idea of "Extended Thinking", which it comprehends all the work, affirms thinking is not internal to us, but universal, subject to hierarchies, which it aggregates into heavier force centers than others and that it is even measurable.
A great ambition of this study was to find an alternative to Darwin's theory, sufficiently valid, to explain the different forms of life without resorting to natural selection. To do this it was not necessary a new theory of the mind only, but even a new vision of time. The theory presented will advance a new concept inherent in time, namely that of "fourth state of time" that is neither the past nor the present nor the future, but a kind of ontological coexistence of beings, in a space where a simultaneity entity is simultaneously another entity and is not separate from it.
With these new theory concepts here presented, it hurls even in trying to explain the origin of life without resorting to evolutionism.
Indeed, it contemplates a new taxonomy of life based on elements of Empedocles.
The whole theory uses a branch of mathematics called algebra of groups that, along with calculus combinatorics, laying the foundation of the new theory of the mind and life here presented.
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