European Platform for Sport Innovation

The European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI) is a non profit association (ASBL) located in Brussels (Belgium). It is a membership-based networking organisation within Europe that focuses on innovation in the areas of physical activity related to sport, leisure and health. EPSI strives for a more innovation-friendly environment for the EU sports industry, in order to stimulate technological innovation and to set up businesses with a focus on innovative technology.
Since 2019, EPSI Headquarter is the House Of Sport in Brussels, in Rue Joseph II, 40. It is located in the heart of the EU Sport Policy, few minutes walk from EAC (EU Commission) and EACEA. The House Of Sport is a 300 m² office.
EPSI is composed by more than 60 members coming from all around Europe and its core is a network of national sports and innovation networks thus representing the ecosystem-sports-innovation partners throughout the EU.
EPSI is partner of the European Commission since the first edition of the European Week of Sport. Launched in 2015, the Week was created in response to the worsening inactivity crisis.
EPSI Three Pillars
EPSI activities are divided according to three pillars:
* Lobbying Activities. Influence policy makers at European, National, Regional and Municipal level to increase political attention towards sport and physical activity
* Fundraising. Create, engineer, coordinate and/or manage European, National and Regional projects with subventions/public financial investments ranging from a minimum of 60.000 € per year up to 10/15 million € per multiple years.
* Business Creation. Create business opportunities among its members and other relevant stakeholders. In this area, we aim to create a sport-friendly environment in Brussels, under the umbrella of our “House of Sport”.
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