Ethics of Cloning: Human reproductive cloning from Shia view point

Ethics of cloning: Human Reproductive cloning from Shia viewpoint (first published in 2018) is one of the books of
Morteza Agha Mohammadi an Iranian Shia Muslim, he has a Ph.D. in Islamic studies and Shia Studies. In the book Morteza Agha Mohamadi examines the ethics of cloning in the view of fiqh and ethics in Shia Islam. He surveys the points for and against cloning human beings.
Publication history
Ethics of cloning: Human Reproductive cloning from Shia viewpoint was published under the imprint of LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, which is a trademark[ of International Book Market Service Ltd, a member of OmniScriptum publishing group. The book was first published on 17 July 2018, and it consist of 256 pages.
The book is a reaction to human reproductive cloning a sensitive topic that is of discussion concerning the future of human beings. The book is mainly focusing on the ethics of cloning.
The book has eight chapters and the titles of the chapters are as follows:
# The definition, history and process of human cloning
# Cloning and violating man's dignity
# Man's casualty
# Cloning and challenging God
# Cloning and family relations
# Cloning and Sexual Issues
# Cloning and psychological problems
# Cloning and Social problems
Cloning has been happening in nature but human reproductive cloning in particular has become one of the critical problems for man's future. This resulted in different schools of thought giving some reflections; most of them considering it an inhumane and evil act. This book examines the issue from religious ethics point of view, mainly focusing on Islamic sources and Shia Islam to be specific that is the field of fiqh and akhlaq. So the author commences by giving the readers a hint on what cloning is and also the history of it. He explained most of the problems that can be caused by human reproductive cloning, however on the other hand gave rise to new trends that are not prevalent in the other religious scholars that is explaining the good side of cloning or times when cloning is necessary. In religious ethics of Cloning usually the scholars are against the concept and in this book the author used a balanced approach to discuss the matter even though there are still some critical problems that should be first taken into account by genetic scientists.
The book was first published in Iran.
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