Eta Uso Jr.

Eta Uso, Jr (born 14 October) is a Nigerian who made his name as a creative communicator, writer and gender equality advocate.
Eta Uso holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Electronic Engineering from Cross River University of Technology. He thereafter obtained a Master of Science degree in Computing and Internet Systems from Bangor University, Wales, United Kingdom. In 2014, he obtained a Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing from DM3 Institute in Abu Dhabi. In addition to his numerous educational qualifications, Eta is also Google For Work Certified, a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Cisco Certified Associate. He is also an alumnus of the John F. Kennedy School of Government.
While working with the International Republican Institute, Eta carved a niche in the non-profit community for using his technology and creative communication skills in sustaining advocacy for inclusion of women, youth and persons with disabilities (PWDs) in governance processes in Nigeria.
Eta has used his passion for writing and proficient skills in new-media to OpEd many political yet non-partisan articles with the goal of fostering a more united and inclusive Nigeria.
Eta has leveraged on the power of the internet to call attention to the need for the passage of the Not Too Young To Run Bill in Nigeria. This 'youth inclusive' bill sought to reduce the constitutional age requirement for running for elective office in Nigeria: from 40 years to 30 years for President of the Federal Republic; from 35 years to 30 years for State Governor; from 30 years to 25 years for Federal House of Representatives; and from 30 years to 25 years for State Assembly. The Not Too Young To Run bill was successfully passed into law in the month of May, 2018.
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