
Epm (Every Person's Markup, ) is a lightweight computer data serialization format created for fast, simple readable data serialization, roughly based on JSON.

It was created by Jamie Rumbelow in December 2008 out of a need for a data serialization format that could support as many data types as was nessecary, without the bloat of protocols such as XML-RPC.

Data Types

Epm currently has only five pre-defined Data Types (Integer, String, Datetime, Array and Object), but it supports custom data type declarations, so any number of data types is possible.

Data Types are set between Square Brackets (""), before a "value", except the Object data type, which is marked out in Angle Brackets ("< >") and Array, which is marked out in Parentheses (" ( )").

:key = value


:object = <

:key = "string",

:another_key = 1,

:one_more = dd-mm-yyyy/hh:mm,

:array = (

"string", 2, dd-mm-yyyy/hh:mm


:nested_object = <

:key = "string",
:another = 5



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