
EP128Emu is a free, portable emulator of the Enterprise 64/128 computer for PC, written by Istvan Varga (a Hungarian developer), using Z80 emulation code from Kevin Thacker's ENTER emulator.
EP128Emu implements all the basic functionality of an Enterprise 128, such as the Z80 CPU (all documented and undocumented opcodes are supported), NICK chip, DAVE chip, keyboard, joystick, floppy and hard disk, and tape.
Version 2.0.8 also added support for the emulation of ZX Spectrum 48 and 128, and Amstrad CPC 464 computers. Only a basic tape-only configuration of these machines is emulated, although the accuracy is relatively good.
EP128Emu 2.0 is a major new version that has a GUI, a built-in debugger, better tape emulation, a tape editor utility, and many other features. This version was written in , and uses the FLTK and PortAudio libraries for GUI, video, and real time audio output. It can also make use of hardware accelerated OpenGL for faster and higher quality video display.
EP128Emu is currently the most accurate Enterprise emulator with the most options, although it might be difficult to use at first for beginners. Another emulator of the Enterprise 64/128 is EP32, which doesn't contain so many options to set, but that's why it's ideal to use for beginners.
EP128Emu is open source, supports both Windows and Linux, and it may also be possible (but not tested yet) to compile it on Mac OS X.
The most recent version of EP128Emu is (Jan 26 2010).
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