Envault Corporation

Envault Corporation is an information security software company founded in 2007. Envault specializes in transparent and password-free data encryption products for hard disks, removable media, email and cloud storages. Envault's customers include large enterprises and government agencies.
Company Details
Turnover: 1.5 M€ (2010, estimate)
Envault was spun off from VTT to commercialize a new data encryption method called envaulting.
The envaulting technology is a next-generation encryption method, that provides standards based cryptographic protection, integrity protection, real-time remote management and auditing for data. Secret key management in envaulting is fully centralized and automatic, so a legitimate end-user does not need passwords for accessing envaulted data. Envault's first product utilizing the method, Envault Removable Media Protection (formerly USB Storage Protection) has been reviewed by analysts with excellent score.
Envault's most notable public reference customer is Finnish Defence Forces.
Despite its young age as a company, Envault has already been listed as one of Europe's and world's most promising technology companies by Red Herring magazine, and has been listed as a top startup by Microsoft Corp. Envault has also been selected among the 25 most interesting IT start-ups in Finland by Tietoviikko.
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