Eno the Emu

Eno the Emu is an emu that has been running wild in Orange County, North Carolina and Chatham County, North Carolina since at least June 26, 2019. Attempts to capture it have been unsuccessful so far.
Escape and early sightings
The first known report of the emu was on June 26, in Chatham County, North Carolina. It subsequently crossed back and forth between Orange County, North Carolina and Chatham County, and it was sighted a handful of times, some in each county.
Later sightings
At some point Eno moved to the area north of Chapel Hill, near Hillsborough and its namesake Eno River. The emu was spotted by Hillsborough on July 30 before being seen again near Dodson Crossroads in the Bingham township on August 1. Before that, it jumped on the roof of a car after it was startled when crossing a road; no damage was reported. Animal Services made more attempts to capture the Emu by directing it towards an area with barriers and a trailer it could run into. According to Bob Marotto, Animal Services is not planning on using tranquilizers because emus have feathers over their muscles, and instead will use food to lure it to an area where it can be more easily captured. No sightings have yet provided an opportunity for anybody to determine its gender, but estimates indicate that it is about 5 feet tall and about 100 pounds. The most recent known sighting was on Eubanks Road in Chapel Hill, on August 13.
Google Trends shows that the fame of Eno began to rise towards the end of July, and subsequently went up and down. According to Tenille Fox, there had been another escaped emu about a decade ago, but she knew of no other recent cases of emu escape in the area. , in their story on Eno, incorrectly guessed that he might be named after Brian Eno, not the nearby river. The Expedition School, in Hillsborough, North Carolina, used the emu as part of their lessons. Eno also starred in a marketing campaign for the Chapel Hill/Orange County , where a silhouette of him was depicted in local settings with the words "Have you seen this emu?"<ref name=":2" />
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