Wind energy is not part of the solution to reduce emissions of C02. The reason is its intermittent: the wind speed is not stable, and can change from one minute to another. This produces significant variations in the uncontrolled production of electricity, causing power cuts.

To remedy this situation, it must be gas-fired or coal to operate at any given time to stabilize the erratic wind energy production. In order to raise its production amaina when the wind can not operate at peak performance (butt), and therefore chased more C02 Kilowatt produced by the atmosphere. Some must operate in stand-by in case the wind energy production falls substantially. So will spending fossil fuels for nothing.

When there is no wind at all, it has to rely on conventional covering the entire demand of the country. So there is to continue to build thermal power as if there were no wind farms. Solar energy is also intermittent (nights, clouds), we can not count on it for that.

For this reason, double wind is not at all answer to the emissions of C02, or the growth of demand, or the excessive import of gas or oil. That is why Germany is building 26 coal plants, which is quite in its basement. So UK and USA return to nuclear power. And why Spain is building gas plants that cover 120% of peak domestic demand.

Why are built wind farms then? -- For reasons beyond the C02 to fossil fuels, and "climate change". Not this energy existed were it not for subsidies.

The negative effects on the people, economy and environment are numerous and serious. See: [http://www.iberica2000.org/Es/Articulo.asp?Id1255 www.iberica2000.org/Es/Articulo.asp?Id1255]
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