Endpoint Modeling

Endpoint Modeling is a cloud-based service platform incorporating automated security analytics and real-time traffic sensors that continuously model all devices on networks of any size.
Endpoint modeling is indifferent to encryption and does not use threat signatures. With Endpoint Modeling organizations can understand normal and abnormal device behaviors in their networks and identify potential threats and facilitate faster remediation. Modeling provides visibility into network security through continuous, unobstructed understanding of every endpoint's behavior.
Endpoint Modeling provides security intelligence for network endpoints by analyzing “normalcy” and patterns through real-time collection of data in:
* A system’s communication
* Access and data movement
Endpoint Modeling detects abnormal behavior based on:
* Past network behavior
* Similar devices
* Network “rules”
Endpoint Modeling uses profiles, roles and algorithms to uncover potential risks and hidden indicators of compromise and removes “blind spots” related to:
* Physical or virtual endpoints
* IT and operations technology in all-size networks
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