Emmanuel Michael

Emmanuel Michael is a Nigerian and the head of HR at Letshego Microfinance Bank, Nigeria.
Education and career
He graduated from Harvard Business School Executive Education and Cornell University School of Industrial and Labour Relations. He has served as the Acting CEO of Letshego Microfinance Bank, Nigeria and is the current head of HR. He has been a panelist for United Kingdom Lotus Awards, Mactay group and SureGifts. He has been invited by the Human Resources Boot Camp, (SMWL) Social Media Week Lagos, Hacking HR Forum and Talent Tech Evolve Virtual Conference by People Matters, as a speaker. In 2018, he was featured in a career advice by a Nigerian Job website, myjobmag.com and has been in a talking session with G&A Partners.
Certifications and Awards
He is a Senior Professional in Human Resources International (SPHRi), Human Resource Professional License (HRPL), Member Chartered Institute Of Personnel Managers (MCIPM), Member of Nigerian Institute of Training and Development (MITD) and Microfinance Certified Banker (MCIB).
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