Elizabeth Anne Rothschild

Elizabeth Anne Rothschild was born on February 10th 1858, in New York to parents William and Mary Barrett. In 1912 Rothschild would board the titanic on its fateful journey.
Time on the Titanic
Elizabeth and her husband Martin would board the titanic in Cherbourg, and both had first class tickets. It is also worth noting that Elizabeth would bring her Pomeranian on board the ship as well. During the sinking of the ship Elizabeth would board life boat six with her dog, which would end up being on of the only dogs to survive the titanic. Unfortunately Martin would not be so lucky, as like many, he would lose his life in the icy Atlantic waters.
Elizabeth Anne Rothschild would go on to pass away in her New York home in 1941 (age 85 years old). Pope Pius also would award her with the Papal Distinguished Merit Cross after her death.
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