
ElectronMinefield is a three dimensional (3D) clone of . The graphics of the puzzle game resemble the reflective neons of the film . The pieces of the puzzle board are presented as a cylinder of cubes. The cylinder can be navigated by dragging the mouse around the board. Clicking cubes reveals whether the cube contained a mine - if it did not then the number of surrounding mines (if any) are shown using reflective red tiles. When a mine is clicked, the universe crumbles and the game board is destroyed.
Game Description
"You are a futuristic bomb disposal expert! Your mission is to discover the location of all the mines hidden in the giant electron fence. If you fail, the world as you know it will disintegrate around you!"
Game Instructions
Left click to uncover a cube when you know/hope it’s not a mine, and right click to flag a cube as hiding a mine. Click and drag to navigate the fence.. Indicators on the cube will show how many neighbouring mines are present..
Playing the Game
A web based version of the game can be found on Kongregate.
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