In the 1950's the Radio Electronics Television Manufacturers Association (RETMA), now part of the Electronics Industries Alliance (EIA), used color codes to identify electronic parts, such as capacitors and resistors. In addition, there is a lessor-known EIA equipment Wiring Code that identifies the type of circuit each wire serves.
Color - Circuit
Black - Grounds, grounded elements and returns
Brown - Heaters or filaments, off ground
Red - Power Supply B-plus
Orange - Screen grids
Yellow - Cathodes
Green - Control Grids
Blue - Plates
Violet - not used
Gray - AC power lines
White - Above or below ground returns, AVC, etc.
Most electronic manufactures of that era, including the popular Heathkit , used this color code for chassis wiring. When working on antique electronic equipment of that era, this color code can identify circuit wire functions without a schematic or wiring diagram.
Reference verification: Popular Electronics Magazine 1958 July, page 78