Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries

Egbertje (Eibegien) Leutscher-de Vries (Uffelte, 22 October 1902 - Havelte, 14 August 2014) was from 21 August 2012 until her death two years later, the oldest resident of the Netherlands. She was born as the fifth child in the family of Jacob de Vries and Mina Hoogeveen. On April 30, 1926 she married Geert Leutscher in Havelte, Both were 23-year olds at the time.
Since the death of Anna Goorman-Dommerholt on 13 June 2012, Leutscher-de Vries became the oldest woman in the Netherlands, and after the death of Cornelis Geurtz on August 21, 2012, the oldest resident.
She lived since 2001 in De Molenhof, a nursing home in Havelte. On her 111th birthday she got a message from King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima. Leutscher-de Vries died two months prior to her 112th birthday. Only three other Dutch residents were ever older than her.
After her death, Nelly de Vries-Lammerts, born 5 May 1905, became at age 109, the oldest Dutch living person.
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