Effects of crusades

effects of the crusades

increased trade and economy-
• during the wars many crusaders awed the exotic goods they found in the middle east
• after returning home people saw these goods and merchants and traders traveled to Middle east and traded for the goods, some being silk, spices, sugar, art, literature
• with all this trade many port cities were being established all throughout Europe.
• these merchants and traders then became very wealthy and Europe’s economy then began to shift from a barter economy to a money economy, now that many people were becoming wealthy.
• because there were many different types of money moneychangers were needed thus the institution of the bank appeared
• with this money economy the middle class grew to power and Europe’s economy flourished
• as the economy flourished food produce increased greatly and the population grew
• as the population grew the demand for homes and shelter increased
• thus man new cities and towns were built

Decline of Feudalism-
• however, this money economy also indirectly hurt feudalism
• because many Kings and Queens were spending a lot of money on parties and war materials they began to plunge into debt.
• know that Europe’s economy was increasing the surfs had more money and in order to pay off their debts king allowed their surfs to be free
• as people began to be free they no longer needed the support of kings and other people
• in addition the rise of towns and guilds greatly hurt feudalism as well
• people no longer needed the land of a lord to b given to them because they could buy their own land
• Kings began to hire soldiers and build armies so they no longer needed knights
• society then became more stable and safe because people didn’t rely on each other.
• which eventually led to the successful period in European history known as the Renaissance
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