

Other related terms: Edutise, Edutiser

Edutising is the art of reaching your target market and customer through educating them.

What an edutiser does is take the time to give useful information from their area of expertise, that the target market and customer can put to use, regardless of if they choose to purchase any product or service from the edutiser. The idea behind edutising is to "give before you get" or in other words, to "pay it forward". By doing this the edutiser endears the target market to their products or services because the edutiser leaves the option open for the market to choose them, or any competitor they like, to fulfill their needs. This shows a level of belief and confidence by the edutiser, that by doing the right things through information sharing, they will ultimately be seen as an industry expert who has the best interest of their potential customers in mind.

An excellent example of edutising being put to use is in the movie “Miracle On 34th Street. Chris Cringle (aka - Santa Claus) was working in a department store during the Holiday Season. He was telling potential customers where to shop and get the best deals on certain toys....which wasn't always at the store where he was working. This infuriated the store's management however, the end result was a huge boost in the store's sales. Because Chris Cringle was educating the customers, even if it meant they might shop somewhere else, he endeared people to him and the store he worked for. As an unintentional result people told their friends about the wonderful Santa and the store where he worked. That of course was the best kind of advertising and publicity the store could possibly receive.

The edutiser works from a place of having an abundant creative mindset and truly believes that you need to “give before you can get” and “the person who educates dominates” in the marketplace. An edutiser works from a personal space of creation instead of competition. They see that they can increase the size of the pie, so that it gets bigger for everybody, rather than fight for their slice.

One of the best ways to edutise is to teach a class, workshop, or seminar in your area of expertise. For example, an attorney can offer a free class on asset protection to their target market. Instead of being generic in the information they share they can teach one aspect of asset protection in depth. This information would allow the potential client to then choose to utilize this attorney, or another, to set up a corporation for them but the logical choice would be for the potential client to choose the attorney who took the time to educate them, for free, to represent them. This differs from a typical “infomercial” in that the goal of an edutiser is to teach and share useful information whereas an infomercial is typically a draw out sales pitch that is useless information in and of itself unless you purchase the product or service being offered from the company making the offering.
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