Educational Demonstration

Educational Demonstration A type of Consumer Education Media, educational demonstrations are a video tutorial of a product’s functions, these demonstrations are used to help guide users through the operation of a new product.
An educational demonstration provides a guided walkthrough of a product’s features. This may be accomplished through a single video, or a suite highlighting each feature individually. Visual content within the video is typically screenshots of a software product performing a function, or an expert operating a device, while a voiceover describes the actions being taken. A product with numerous features may choose to use separate demo videos that focus on each individual function.
Educational demonstrations focus on assisting existing customers with the operation of a product; these automated instructional videos are used to help reduce support requirements and increase customer satisfaction. While the existence of an educational demonstration is likely to satisfy existing customers, the attraction of new customers is best achieved through a Promotional Demonstration: a product demo with a sales focus.
Educational demonstrations are known to provide a more engaging and effective product tutorial than standard print-based guides. The demonstrations can be employed for software products, employee training, or device operation. “For businesses looking to cut costs and increase efficiency, online training classes and videos are becoming more available -- and more attractive"”
See Also
*Digital marketing
*Promotional Demonstration
*Consumer Education Media
External references
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