Eduard Tric

Eduard Tric (born in 1968) is a cryptologist, researcher, former CISO at GIP MDS brings his taught on virtual objects lifecycle, common goods and against intellectual property abuses.
In 1995 Tric earned a in information technology from the Université Paris VII-Denis-Diderot and INSTN on «Informatics for Information » where he worked with professor Christian Fluhr on french Google-like search engine, the first interface for multilingual search engine Spirit .
From 1997, Tric creates and manages his own software company (Axetel), that specializes in European projects, cryptology. In 2000 he became an executive with the international strategy firm Salamandre Strategies.
As a promoter of Open Standards in Europe, Tric wrote a text like many French about Hadopi law. However, this text was never published in any book. Tric do not write anything on "La bataille Hadopi.
In 2000, he launched Eupki, a project funded by European Commission named the Fifth Framework Programme. The software earns the innovation award, organized by Sun Microsystems, Gemalto and ST Microelectronics in Washington DC and was nominated to the European IST Prize. According to Loic Darachy, the source code has never been available. Anyway, his software is not a GNU projet.
He is also Chairman of Internet Society Romania .
Eduard Tric has worked at Salamandre Strategies on the sustainable economical model of « Mécénat Global » . In his work Pantheon of virtual objects exposed at Autrans in 2010 , in memoriam of Francis Muguet,, he explains how a sustainable economic model for virtual objects (books, movies, music ) works , by introducing the economical notions of amortization and death of virtual objects and global degressive license. Only a minority of objects, having proved their use value, deserve their place in a "Pantheon of the virtual". Autrans 2010 was an open conference, and this subject a public debate. Eduard Tric does not appear in the official Mécénat Global website.
Liens externes
*Presentation of Pax Digitalia - from Pax Romana towards Pax Romania
*presentation of Pantheon of the virtual at the European Commission
*Presentation of the museum of digital counterfeit
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