Dylan Thwaites

Dylan Thwaites is a UK entrepreneur and founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Latitude Group. After graduating from Leeds University, he was Bass’s youngest area manager at the age of 22 and was part of the small team that devised the All Bar One, It’s a Scream and O’Neill’s Irish Bar brands.

In 2000, Thwaites took a 25% stake in Corporem, a full service Internet company. He quickly acquired the remaining 75% of the company and closed ten of its eleven businesses, leaving only search as a core specialty. He subsequently formed Latitude, one of the UK’s first dedicated search engine marketing companies, and took the company from six staff and £100,000 sales in its first year to five times the sales the following year.

Latitude continues to enjoy consistent year on year growth and Thwaites was named Ernst & Young Technology & Communications Entrepreneur of the Year in 2006.
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