Dylan Dynamite

(Dylan "Dynamite" J.) (1995) Known by his ring name Dylan Dynamite is a Founder,Chairman and Wrestler currently signed to the DWE. he works on the DCW brand. he also works behind the scenes in the DWE/DCW training new superstars,operating and managing & music light effects for entrances.
Janecek was born in Chicago,Illinois. He is a 2 time DWE Heavyweight Champion.
Formation of DWE (2006-present)
In late august of 2006,Janecek got bored one day,he had an idea that would change his life by making the DWE (Destructive Wrestling Entertainment). this was a new type of wrestling that is not fake,not storylined or not staged.it started out small for the first 2 years until he recruited an abundant amount of wrestlers.the DWE first started out wrestling on a trampoline now known as DWE arena 1. (which was destroyed in April 2006)
DWF/DCW (2006-2007)
In late November of 2006, one of Janecek`s friends Tony was a part of the DWE.he later turned on Janecek and made his own brand called the DWF (Destructive Wrestling Federation)and became his own general manager. The reason why Tony formed the DWF is because the matches of the DWE were not hardcore and their were many restrictions. he would later steal all the wrestlers from the DWE by force or by making them sign a contract. in June 2007 (1 month before DWF was released)Tony decided to change DWF to DCW (Destructive Championship wrestling).
DWE-DWF/DCW war (2006-2007)
Janecek was working hard to keep order in the DWE. he would wrestle in shows at the DWE arena II beating up DWF wrestlers. The reason why Janecek wanted get rid of the DWF or to make peace with them was to negotiate a treaty. on a Wednesday in July of 2007 a treaty was made and compromised a deal. Janecek wanted everything to go his way so he decided to lay out some permanent rules and stipulations.
T.E.D.S. (March 10th,2007 - March 18th,2007)
T.E.D.S. (Tommy's ,Evan's , & Daniel's Show) was a short lived spin off of DWE that barely lasted over a week was made The DWE wrestlers of Tommy,Evan & Daniel. They decided to have their own show because they assumed of Janecek of being a weak and worthless Chairman that they stooped to his level & announced during a show that they want their own show & pressured Janecek and all of his wrestlers to join. Eventually after tons of peer pressure, Janecek gave in to their demands. T.E.D.S. only had one show only, this show took place at someone house. After that show,days had passed and their hasn't been a show in in almost a week. On March 18th, 2007,Janecek got a phone call from (T.E.D.S. wrestler) Tom. He said that he wanted to give up T.E.D.S because to his assumption it was getting boring,lousy & stupid. Janecek would immediately bring back the DWE and the business had improved gracefully.
DWE/DCW (2007-present)
ever since the deal,Janecek and tony have became friends again and manage a way to put DWE/DCW together.the DWE can be the company name while the DCW can be the show name. the business has improved impressively well & in 2008 the DWE had recruited more wrestlers than they imagined.the have got numerous entrance themes,light effects that its like so professional. As of 2009 the company was starting to subside. Most of the current 30 wrestler were either released due to outrageous acts,not showing up, not abiding to the rules of DWE etc. After that the roster was shortened to about 12 superstars.Other than the fact that DWE was failing this year they also couldn`t put up many shows. Annually the DWE has about 60 shows per year annually but 2009 shortened that to about 36 shows.
Personal life
Janecek is a die hard person that will protect DWE & DCW from everything.Out of the wrestling he loves to draw and work ahead to plan for the next show. Janecek is a big fan of watching WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment),which also helped him with the idea of the DWE. Janecek currently makes video to keep his small amount of fans entertained.Janecek is also to be known as a "neat freak". Janecek is also accompanied by "Tony" as the general manage of DCW. He is known by people as the worlds pickiest eater due to his concern on what eats on a daily basis.
In wrestling
Finishing and Signature moves
signature(4.3.0. cannonball)(a taunt at the turnbuckle that forms into a cannonball position when jumping)
finisher (Dyl-mission)(a )
In late June of 2009,Janecek recently bought a new camera & used it for one purpose only & that was for making wrestling videos.Janecek wanted to do this so he & whatever DCW superstars left wanted to be known. Janecek`s first know wrestling video was "Dylan Dynamite vs Tony" which had no audio or sound at all. The new & improved version of the match "Dylan Dynamite vs. Tony 2" had everything from the great audio & perfect picture etc.Janecek uses Youtube to draw people away from watching fake wrestling to DWE wrestling.So far the videos Janecek posted are very adequate while maintaining an average amount of views.Janecek had also posted 3 More sequels after Dylan Dynamite vs Tony 2.On the Video "Dylan Dynamite vs Town 5 after the match" Dynamite mentions the end to the "Dylan Dynamite vs Tony" series forever. A recent interview with Janecek said that he would make a possible "Dylan Dynamite vs Tony 6" , but he wants to introduce newer wrestlers in the next coming videos.
Entrance themes
Break the walls down (remixed) (WWE the music volume 8 CD & DWE music media) (June 2009- present)
Break the walls down (January 2008 - June 2009)
Break the walls down (December 2007 - January 2008)
Im comin (January 2007 - December 2007)
Undertaker theme (September 2006 - January 2007)
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