Dubstep ballet

Dubstep ballet or dbstpbllt is a voluntary social 'movement' movement. It can trace its beginnings to Lund, Sweden in 2009, when several sustainability scientists from the LUMES (Lund University Masters in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science) course conceived of it as a means of achieving the disparate, vaguely articulated aims of social sustainability. This is the oft forgotten cultural pillar of sustainability.
The now well-known musical form of dubstep, one of few new western music styles that characterise the past decade has been brought together with the traditional dance form of classical ballet. Dubstep ballet movers, or 'urban ballerinas' explore the sustained sounds and emptiness characteristic to a lot of dubstep recordings, experiencing and then communicating this through balances and simple ballet steps. Particular emphasis is placed on time, space and connection in the movement. There is within this 'movement' movement an aspiration of reclaiming overly commercialised public spaces
Tai Chi, Parkour and Butoh are strong influencing factors.
The existence of this 'movement' movement can already be identified in several countries, due to the international nature of its creation. It is primarily through street dancers, graffiti artists and guerrilla knitting that dubstep ballet can be referenced hence making it difficult to pin down in books or journals. This is due to the necessity of avoiding heavy reliance on and overuse of written or spoken language, which is part of the dbstpbllt philosophy.
After a pioneering workshop, held in Glasgow in April 2011, the "dbstpbllt" movement has continued to grow in both stature and popularity in both Scotland and throughout the UK. 2012 aims to continue this explosion of involvement with UK-wide workshops in the pipeline.
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