Doug Pierre

Doug Pierre is a Filipino martial arts practitioner. He has more than thirty five years of training in the martial arts. Mr. Pierre has studied Kali, Arnis, Eskrima, Karate, Judo/Jujutsu, Boxing and Kickboxing. Additionally, he has earned Sifu (teacher) level in Tai Chi Chuan under Chen Weigun. Pierre began studying Modern Arnis under Grandmaster Remy Presas in 1988 and continued until the grandmaster's illness and subsequent passing in 2001. He is the head of his own organization, Modern Arnis Domog (MAD); Domog refers to Doug's Method Of Grappling and is a play-on-words on the term Dumog (Filipino grappling).
Sifu Pierre, also known as Guro Pierre, is the only practitioner of Modern Arnis to win two world stick fighting titles (in the Philippines).
Sifu Pierre has conducted siminars and clinics all over the world, including Poland, Switzerland, Germany, England, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and China. He was the U.S. WEKAF stick fighting coach in 1996. He has been featured in such publications as Action Martial Arts Magazine, Arnisador Magazine (souvenir edition), and Black Heroes of the Martial Arts, volume II. In addition, Pierre had a fighting role in the movie "Johnny" (filmed in India) and has been featured on the television program Good Morning America.
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