
Double Anti-Spy is a spyware and malware removal product for Microsoft Windows developed by Avanquest Software.
Version Avanquest Software produces two versions of Double Anti-Spy: a free, “spyware scan-only” version and a full version that allows for the removal of spyware and malware. It is normally purchased as a yearly subscription which includes new versions and updates, and is available online as well at retail stores.
License Avanquest sells multiple-license subscriptions, allowing users to install their product on multiple computers using a single subscription, by purchasing either single computer or 3-computer versions.
Double Anti-Spy uses two separate anti-spyware scanning engines integrated into the same user interface that work together to detect spyware and other malware in one application. Double Anti-Spy scans a computer for spyware and malware, checking files on the hard drive, objects in memory, the Windows registry and cookies, and then quarantines any suspicious or recognized threats for potential removal.
Double Anti Spy uses a signature-based method, heuristic analysis of internal file characteristics and behavior of executing programs to monitor a computer.
Double Anti Spy scans email messages and attachments to find spyware and other threats that can spread through email. It supports Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express and Windows Mail, as well as any email program that uses POP3 and SMTP, such as Mozilla Thunderbird, IncrediMail and Eudora.
Operating Systems
Double Anti-Spy is designed for Windows XP, Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit editions, and Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit editions.
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