Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast (commonly referred to as The Tin Dog Podcast) is a weekly podcast which mostly discusses the subject of the British television series Doctor Who, highly ranked on Itunes and Podcast Alley.

It was first established in February 2007, during the run up to series three of Doctor Who, by a man under the pseudonym 'Tin Dog' (the nickname for the popular character K-9 and later Mickey Smith). For most of the episodes, 'Tin Dog' hosted the podcast sharing his opinions of old and new episodes of Doctor Who, although some other episodes are hosted by the same man performing as different charicters (see below).

This podcast has on several occasions been advertised on Doctor Who: Podshock - a popular fan-run Science Fiction Podcast, and often 'Tin Dog' also features on the show, in return, Podshock has also been mentioned on the 'Tin Dog Podcast'.

The Hosts

The podcast is presented by a number of fictional hosts all performed by one man.

'Tin Dog': This host has the mans natural English accent, he has hosted episodes 1, 3 to 19 and 22 onwards.

'Tobias Lumic': This host has a Middlesbrough accent and has hosted the Torchwood based episode, episode 2 as well as a one minute stint after some of the later episodes explaining the podcasts 'legal status'.

'Gabriel Chase': This host is based upon a cross between TV Historian Simon Schama and TV presenter Phil Spencer he hosted two of the Dalek history episodes, episodes 20 and 21, after complaints from listeners he did not do episode 22.

Other voices include a Dalek and a librarian used in episode 22, the voice of MC Escher (if he was a rapper) in episode 25, an imitation of Bonnie Langford in episode 26 and a high pitched voice used for the end of the podcast explaining its 'legal status' in episode 31, although 'Tin Dog' has noted on sevrel he should stop doing voices due to complaints. It is as of yet unknown whether or not he'll be using voices for hosting Podcasts in the future.

Episode Listings

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