Doctor Who Club of Australia

Founded in August 1976, the club was originally called the Australasian Doctor Who Fan Club (ADWFC), and its first president, Antony Howe, also published its fanzine, Zerinza from 1976-86. The first objective of the club was to oppose the decision of the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) in 1976 to cease purchasing the Doctor Who TV series. Eventually the ABC changed its mind, and the series has been a regular part of Australian TV ever since, see Doctor Who in Australia, section on "Broadcasting"). After that campaign the club promoted the series generally, pushing the ABC to screen more of the older episodes, and especially providing news and opportunities for fans to purchase discounted Doctor Who books and magazines, a significant service for a membership which was very widely scattered in many country towns, apart from the fans in the main cities of Australia, and to a much lesser extent, New Zealand.
Early Years
Apart from the fanzine, the club had a considerable overlap of its most active members with the Sydney University Science Fiction Association for its first five years. Hence, as a separate club, the ADWFC had an informal existence until 1979 when it began to hold half day meetings once or twice a year, called "parties." From 1980 it began to publish a more frequent and reliable newsletter, later called "Data Extract" and still being published. The club remained loosely linked to the Sydney University Science Fiction Association for several years as memberships overlapped, drifting apart by about 1983-4. At various times there have been "local groups" and affiliated clubs in different parts of the country. At its peak in the early 1980s the club had about 1,000 members. From time to time the "Parties" had as guests visiting actors and others associated with the Doctor Who series, such as Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning (who has long been the club's "Patron"), Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, and others.
Later History
With the British Broadcasting Corporation discontinuing the production of the series in the mid 1980s, the club continued to provide news and social outlets for members. Celebrating the return of the Doctor in the TV film. It maintained a solid membership base despite the lack of new material and repeats on TV. A club president, Kate Orman has also published a Doctor Who novel, and an early founder, Kerrie Dougherty co-edited a reference work on the series.
Usually called "Whovention" - In 1990 it held its first Convention with Nicholas Courtney as the main guest. Later conventions have had Mark Strickson, Dudley Simpson, Elizabeth Sladen, and Mary Tamm.
More details to be added later.
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