Dick Cheney 911

On the day of 911 fighter pilots were running a training exercise. This training exercise involved a highjacked plane being crashed into a large building. This according to many of the fighter pilots in the sky at the time, was part of their confusion and inability to intercept the real craft. This training exercise was headed by Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States of America at the time on September 11, 2001. Though many believe this to be a conspiracy, those in charge have chalked it up to a horrible coincidence.
Opportunity - 9/11 War Games: The Air Force was running multiple war games on the morning of 9/11 simulating hijackings over the continental United States that included (at least) one "live-fly" exercise as well as simulations that placed "false blips" on FAA radar screens. These war games eerily mirrored the real events of 9/11 to the point of the Air Force running drills involving hijacked aircraft as the 9/11 plot actually unfolded. The war games & terror drills played a critical role in ensuring no Air Force fighter jocks - who had trained their entire lives for this moment - would be able to prevent the attacks from succeeding. These exercises were under Dick Cheney's management. -(http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/011805_simplify_case.shtml)
These "War-Games" may have been the result of threats against America as a means to be prepared for such an attack. Dick Cheney was one of the main government officials deciding that such extensive war games would take place on 9/11. This was when American intelligence had collected dozens of warnings from governments and intelligence agencies indicating that terrorists were planning to hijack civilian aircraft and crash them into American targets on the ground during the week of September 9, 2001.
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