Diamond Mountain University

Diamond Mountain is a Tibetan Buddhist seminary and retreat center located south of Bowie, Arizona in the Sonoran Desert. Oriented towards the Gelugpa school, it was founded by the colorful and somewhat controversial Geshe Michael Roach in 2000 and opened to students in September 2004.
Diamond Mountain is run by volunteers as a not-for-profit organization and does not charge tuition. Its official mission statement reads:
:“Our mission at Diamond Mountain is to provide you with everything you need to lead a wise and good life, and to become nothing less than a being who can go to all worlds and serve all living creatures, all at once. To get you there, we take you through all the traditional training that a monk or yogi would get in a demanding, major monastery in Tibet or ancient India.”
Diamond Mountain holds three five-week academic terms per year on its campus, and additional classes in Tucson, Arizona. Diamond Mountain is affiliated with the Asian Classics Institute of New York City ( http://www.acidharma.org/aci/index.html )
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