
Dextrapodophobia is a short film made in the spring of 2007 as a part of Bowling Green State University's 48 Hour Film Project, sponsored by the University Film Organization. It was awarded first place at the spring 2007 screenings.

The film was written, shot, and edited from March 30th to April 1st, 2007. The first screening was held on April 4th, 2007.

The team had to incorporate an analog clock as a prop and the line "You're standing on my foot." The film was intended to be that of a sci-fi genre.

A pizza delivery person, Harvey Lockwood, stumbles upon a secret government organization. The Department Of Undercover Classified Happenings Everywhere (D.O.U.C.H.E.), responsible for 90% of the world's cover-ups, offers Lockwood a choice: He could either join the organization or face an untimely death. Choosing to join, he is escorted around the facility where he discovers pizza to be the meaning of life. After confronting another captured pizza delivery person, Lockwood works to escape D.O.U.C.H.E. headquarters, ending in an anti-climatic battle with the leader of the organization (The Big Douche).

Cast and Crew
Harvey Lockwood............................Matt Cass
Miss Lexington (The Big Douche).....Amanda Kleiman
Tom Pawn......................................Matt Van Wormer
Dr. Alexander Dirkfall.......................Kevin Bean
The Intern.......................................Larry Marshall
Robin Hawke..................................Robyn Ferguson
Mr. Oldman....................................Steve Grunwell
Extras............................................Mallory Baumann, Lisa Meade, A.J. Brock

Director..........................................Steve Grunwell
Asst. Director.................................Larry Marshall
Director of Photography...................Steve Grunwell
Camera Operators...........................Steve Grunwell, Larry Marshall, Matt Van Wormer
Boom Operators..............................Kevin Bean, Larry Marshall
Editors...........................................Steve Grunwell, Larry Marshall
Graphic Artist.................................Barrett Dorner
Foley Artist.....................................Matt Cass
Wardrobe........................................Lisa Meade

Featuring original music by Matt Cass

The film was written and produced collectively by the members of Period Piece Part Deux:
Mallory Baumann, Kevin Bean, Matt Cass, Robyn Ferguson, Steve Grunwell, Amanda Kleiman, Larry Marshall, and Matt Van Wormer.

Dextrapodophobia was shot on MiniDV with a Canon XL-2. It was shot using a 16:9 (widescreen) aspect ratio and 24p tape speed.

With limited access to good equipment, audio was recorded using a hand-held condenser microphone mounted at the end of a telescoping golf ball retriever en lieu of a boom. A rolling chair was also used as a dolly at one point in the movie.

The film was edited using Final Cut Pro.
·The film was made to be YouTube-safe, so all music, foley sounds, and graphics are original.
·Every crew member appeared in some role within the film.
·The character Tom Pawn is a loose reference to a tampon, fitting with the feminine hygiene-themed organization
·A leadership retreat took place during the shoot in the large room used in the final scene. Shooting had to be delayed for seven hours.
·Many of the crew members reunited in the fall of 2007 to work on another 48 Hour project, titled "Spellbound." They produced the film under the company "Scooter Pie Productions."
·Dextrapodophobia is a combination of two fears. Dextraphobia, fear of things on the right side of the body, and podophobia, fear of feet. Literally translated, the name would imply "fear of the right foot," which is how Harvey Lockwood is able to defeat the members of D.O.U.C.H.E.
·The group name, "Period Piece Part Deux," is a reference to a team of the previous semester that included Mallory Baumann, Lisa Meade, Amanda Kleiman, and Steve Grunwell.
·Around ten minutes of in-car footage was shot for the opening sequence of the film but cut due to time constraints. They were shot by director Steve Grunwell and involved hanging the camera out the window of a moving car and shooting out the sunroof.

The film on YouTube
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