Devil Worshipping

Devil Worshipping is studying and worshipping the real and live entity called Satan, Devil, Lucifer, Iblis, Mara or other names which are in other religions synonym of the Evil God. It is based to philosophical meditation and studying the Satan's, The Creators creation and hes ways and styles to create existence and its beings the existence where we live. Devil worshippers are also interested the Satanism which means thinking of Satan or thoughts of Satan. Like Buddhism is to study thoughts of Buddha Satanists study thoughts of their evil creator Satan.

Satan worshippers are also in spiritual connection with their Creator. And we believe that creator has controlled every living being from it's creation to our death. Creator controls the creation.

Worship the god is to admire him as a Creator and worship him every day by styding hes creation and to obtain power and respect to him by fighting against every liar and false gurus or teachers teachings. Satan worshippers are free minded persons who are found our Creators love toward ourselves.

We also believe that human has already eternal life by our childrens; The Chain Of Life. Humanity is in age of 3'000'000'000 years and we grow more wise every moment. The evolution is most important part of our studies and we realize that evolution is to become wiser every moment. So Darwin is logically accepted Satan Worshipper. Satan Worshippers accept logically explained and proved scientists who explain their scientificical studies so, that there is enough proves to make it clearly regonized as a truth, which cannot be proven false by any other scientifical theory made by genius.

Most part of Satan worshipping are secret and not for outsiders.

By word Satan we mean every christian or other religions hated angelic or god kind entity which are balmed to be evil by stupid or misunderstanding person who thinks; that he or she is above Creator. Evil or not.

Theistic Satanism is wrong term for Satan Worshipping which is usually synonym for criminals. We believe Satan is creator of evil for stupid, ugly and poor. He is good only for hes chosens. Which he blessed beaty, intelligence, and riches. He is evil to 98% of humanity and good only for true winners. We also know that every so called holy books are lies, and full of stupid tries to explain the existence or the gods true evil nature.

Image is from Hubble telecope.

Connection to 9.11

So we believe Satan be very evil being and male in form. Females are weak and less dominative and less intelligent than males. Like Wiccans Theistic Satanists think they can be gods what we true Satan Worshippers laugh. There is only few female geniuses in the history of man. Moust of them are in sex busines. Good is for fools.

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