Detoxify with common probiotics

The cold climes and the dull winter would make many of us be sluggish and in that time of the year many would prefer to consume the unnatural fancy processed preserved food items. They sure seem to be tasty yet these unnatural foods sure leaves its marks in our internal organs and to lighten up your body you need to look out for probiotics or herbal colon cleanse products sold in the market.

Unmindful of the over the counter drugs that are noted for its herbal colon cleanse or other detoxify activity there are some very common and cheap foods that are considered to be equally good in its cleansing ability. They are:


Although many cadre of water bottles like the Kangen water are noted for its cleansing, hydrating property basically the water which we intake is sure to cause our body regain its lost moisture. Moreover its vital to drink plenty of water like up to 16 ounces in the morning and then up to 12 ounces before your breakfast.


This makes your body get Vitamin –C and it’s noted for the liquefaction of the bile along with the oxygen levels in your liver. Lemon while noted for strengthening your liver also converts toxins to water soluble form. Add lemon juice to water then to improve your oxygen and calcium levels.


Noted as a healing versatile herb this is a powerful probiotics, antibiotic and also an anti-oxidant. It activates liver enzymes which filters impurities and improves circulation. It also activates the enzymes of the liver and it’s advisable to chop raw garlic and drink water. In case you are mindful of the garlic breath then choose to taste the aged garlic in extract form which is also good although the raw form is more noted for its cleansing effects.


Improved blood circulation, digestion are all possible when one take sin the Cayenne. It also acts as a catalyst which with the nutrients, phytochemicals are good for the kidneys, lungs, spleen, stomach and also heart. Add just half teaspoon in a glass of water /lemon water to nourish with its goodness.


Organic greens like the collards, bok,c hoy, beet tops and of course the well-known spinach all of these are filled with chlorophyll which just erases the toxics in your body. Opt to use them in your diet as per your choice. It needs to be lightly steamed but when eaten it strengthens internals and cleanse body efficiently.

Advanced cleanse methods are the saunas, deep breathing methods and other cleanse probiotic products sold in market also aids for detoxification.

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