
DesiPundit was a popular Indian filter blog founded in June 2005 and maintained by a group of bloggers. The Collaborative blog linked to major blog posts from the Indian blogosphere with a short commentary. Apart from English DesiPundit had channels for blogs written in Indian languages namely, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, and Bangla.
DesiPundit won the Indibloggies award in the "Best Designed Blog" and the "Best Directory/Clique/Service" category in 2006.
In October 2006 Desipundit was on the verge of being discontinued as its founder and contributors were finding it difficult to spare time for the effort but an enormous feedback from the readers led to continuation of the website.
The site shut down on the midnight of June 20, 2010 after the founder decided to discontinue the site for undisclosed reasons. The site archive was deleted and visitors to the site were greeted by a landing page informing of the site's closure.
It has now been relaunched in a new avatar that covers curated stories, photos, videos, and tweets and is no longer restricted to blogs.
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