DEMAND Campaign

DEMAND is an East Midlands-based campaign, founded in 2004, seeking to improve the noise controls at East Midlands Airport. A specific concern is the rising use of cargo aircraft at night and a widening impact affecting Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire.

Because the airport is situated in a rural setting - immediately south of Castle Donington, North West Leicestershire - it is claimed to have a relatively low environmental impact. But a government-instigated report has estimated that the noise impact for a single aircraft departure could affect as many as 126,000 residents. Also, annual night-time aircraft movements have increased from 16,071 in 1997 to 19,888 (2007).

It is claimed that the planning authority, North West Leicestershire District Council, failed to enforce planning legislation requiring an Environmental Statement in 1994 when approving a runway extension, specifically, the Town and Country Planning (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1988 (regulations by which the UK implemented EC Directive 85/337/EEC). There is also an ongoing claim by nearby residents for compensation regarding an alleged loss of property values.

The campaign has cross-party support, including MPs: Edward Garnier QC (Harborough), Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC (Rushcliffe), Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell (Charnwood), Alan Duncan (Rutland and Melton), Keith Vaz (Leicester East) and (North West Leicestershire). Other supporters include: AirportWatch, Aviation Environment Federation, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), Friends of the Earth, and National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty.

In March 2008, the campaign launched an e-petition to the Prime Minister, to restrict night flights at East Midlands Airport using section 78 of the 1982 Civil Aviation Act for the purpose of introducing noise controls (commonly known as 'Designation', but airports may be designated for other purposes, such as economic regulation).

Designation of the airport is opposed by Manchester MP Graham Stringer - a former board member of Manchester Airports Group prior to its acquisition of East Midlands Airport in 2001 - for economic reasons. Digby Jones, Baron Jones of Birmingham, when leader of the Confederation of British Industry - and to which the Manchester Airports Group and some cargo operators at East Midlands Airport belong as members - has lobbied on behalf of the airport for similar reasons.
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