On 19 October 2024, a 19-year-old Indian worker Gursimran Kaur, was found dead in a walk-in oven at the Walmart bakery where she worked, by her mother, a co-worker at the Halifax store. Incident On October 19, a Saturday night at a Walmart store on Mumford Road in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Gursimran Kaur was found by her mother who is also worker at the store. She was discovered around 9:30 p.m. Investigation Local police are investigating the "sudden death," and they have called in Occupational Health and Safety to help. Some reports say that a large baking oven might be involved in what happened, but more details are still being investigated. On 22 October 2024, Halifax Police said they are investigating the sudden death of Kaur, stating "The cause of death is still unknown, and the investigation involves multiple agencies and may take time." A shut-down order was placed on a Walmart bakery and the equipment by the Nova Scotia Department of Labor after the incident. The order was lifted on October 28, 2024, when compliance was confirmed. Walmart called the situation "sad and difficult" and stated that removing the oven was part of a standard remodel. Emergency audio recordings revealed confusion during the response. A dispatcher told others about the unusual situation, saying, “The oven is on, and it’s unclear if staff can turn it off.” They also expressed concerns about someone being trapped inside. Personal life Gursimran Kaur was a 19-year-old Sikh woman from India. She and her mother had moved to Canada about two years before her death. Kaur’s mother grew alarmed when her daughter did not answer her phone during her night shift, Kaur's mother opened the walk-in oven at the store after someone noticed a "leak" coming from it, She later found Kaur’s burned body inside the bakery’s walk-in oven according to The Sun. "Imagine how scared her mother must have felt when she opened the oven after someone pointed out the problem!"