DbVisualizer is a universal database tool for developers, DBAs and analysts. It uses JDBC to allow users to explore and interact with databases via a JDBC driver. DbVisualizer is written in Java, which makes is portable over operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/UNIX. The tool enables users to visually represent and manipulate any JDBC enabled SQL database, as well as some newer NoSQL initiatives. Typical uses include database administration, development of database intensive applications, and ad hoc queries. DbVisualizer started as freeware project in the late nineties and was extended with a commercial edition in 2002 in response to user requests. The primary mechanisms in DbVisualizer for supporting databases is to use the JDBC driver that comes with virtually all databases. A higher level of support for features specific to a particular database can be achieved by defining specific behavior in an XML file that is read by DbVisualizer. Two versions of DbVisualizer are available; Db Visualizer Free which is available for download at no cost, and DbVisualizer Pro that is a commercial product with additional features and support for database specific behavior. JDBC drivers included with DbVisualizer (also in free version): *DB2 for LUW *H2 *JavaDB/Derby *Mimer SQL *MySQL *NuoDB *PostgreSQL *Oracle *SQLite *SQL Server *Sybase SQL Anywhere *Sybase ASE *Vertica Users have reported success in using the JDBC drivers to make DbVisualizer work with an additional 15 databases that are not formally supported and tested by the vendor. Free version DbVisualizer is a commercial product with a free version, which is not time limited, but has less features as commercial (pro) one. For example, free version doesn't support auto-completion when editing SQL queries, or free version doesn't export table data and doesn't allow to edit database schema. However it is possible to insert or update table data in free version using SQL manually written statements. See detailed feature comparison on the official site.