David Jubb

David Jubb is a new age health guru, who promotes fasting, whole brain functioning using neurolinguistics, whole body calibration, and a diet based on life food. Jubb also describes himself as a specialist in colloidal biology.
"Life Food" diet
Jubb promotes a diet focused on food that has enzymes and “life-force”, the ability to reproduce, and which is found growing in the wild.
Jubb claims food with life-forces have “measurable biophotonic energy”.<ref name=Jubb/>
Jubb promotes a 14 Day Nutritional Fast and Liver Flush and advises clients on nutritional fasts.<ref name"villagevoice2000"/><ref nameJubb/>
Jubb has claimed to be a breatharian, obtaining his primary nourishment from light and air.<ref name"nytimes2005"/> He described "It's taken years of evolution to get to this place. I recommend someone first become a Lifefoodarian. Then move toward liquidarian, then to breatharian. Since 1995, I've basically practiced a very austere form of 'going without.'<ref name"nytimes2005"/>
Jubbs was a raw foodist for over a decade before the late 1990s when he says he began eating only herbal tea with honey, gaining his nutrition from "intestinal flora and friendly yeast" and his own urine.<ref name"highbeam1"/> "The ancient ones wanted us to know it's no secret why death occurs, so they put eat in the middle," he said.<ref name"highbeam1"/>
Jubb's breatharianism is not constant, and it involves eating very little rather than nothing.<ref name"nytimes2005"/> "When I have broken down over the years, what I always like to have is a piece of cheesecake," he said.<ref name"nytimes2005"/>
Urine therapy
Jubb practices urine therapy, drinking his own urine a few times a day.<ref name"highbeam1"/> "I absolutely live off my own urine,” he said.<ref name"nytimes2005"/>
Followers and promotion
Jubb wrote "Secrets of an Alkaline Body" and "Jubb's Cell Rejuvenation."<ref name"nytimes2005"/><ref nameJubb/>
Jubb also maintains a wiki on topics such as “colloidal biology, zero point energy, cellular cleansing, whole brain functioning, lifefood, nutrition, ancient archeology, gender and economic egalitarianism.”<ref name=Jubb/>
Personal life
Jubb grew up on the Furneaux Islands near Tasmania.<ref name="nytimes2005"/> He got his doctorate in physiology from New York University and became a raw foodist.
"I used to live off potatoes and bread. I was a starchaholic," he said.<ref name"nytimes2005"/><ref name"villagevoice2000"/>
He scuba dives, hikes, and practices yoga.<ref name"nytimes2005"/> He describes himself as “a Shaman in the Native American Toltec tradition.”<ref nameJubb/>
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