David Hamel

David Hamel (1924 - 2007) was a carpenter and inventor who claimed to be inspired by extraterrestrials, living in Ontario, Canada with his wife. Hamel claimed to have been contacted by aliens from a UFO on October 1975, from a planet called Kladen, which is "located three billion miles from our Earth", and to have been in continuous contact with them ever since.

In October of 1975, while watching TV (residing in MapleRidge, British Columbia, Canada at the time), Hamel claimed that a male-female alien couple from another dimension appeared before him using the TV set as a conduit.

He claimed the aliens taught him the principles of free energy or perpetual motion, anti-gravity, alternate realities, the truth about the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls and ancient architecture such as the pyramids, Stonehenge (which he said is a landing pad for a flying saucer), Atlantis, and other "ET artifacts". They also taught him how to build a flying saucer.

On the walls of the Egyptian pyramids/structures and the Papris of Ani (Egyptian Book of The Dead), David Hamel claimed, the "Neubians", whom he described as "the small people", inscribed the theory of "Free Energy". The reason why he hasn't realized the blue prints, he said, was that the 'men in black', who "usually don't know what they are looking for", seized his materials from time to time, forcing him to begin again from the start with his "prototype".

According to Hamel and his wife, after alien contacts "mystical flower buds", which David said have been left by the extraterrestrials as a sign of hope, appeared everywhere — some of which Hamel kept in a plastic bag and claimed to have stayed green for over 20 years.

Inventions (Replications) and patents
David Hamel believed his purpose was to share the information given to him by the extraterrestrials with the public/world and help get rid of the old and polluting energy systems (fossil fuels). He also believed that this knowledge was for the hope of mankind in escaping a very near cataclysm. Hamel claimed that this would happen on Dec 21st, 2012, as written in the Mayan Calendar and also the alignment of the Giza Plateau to the Belt of Orion. According to David Hamel's official site the Patent Office in Ottawa ignored the "hundreds of drawings" sent there by Hamel over the decades, and denied his patent requests. Items went missing as well at the patent office.

David Hamel's technology is related to the world wide phenomena known as crop circles
The geometry used in his efforts is related to the Star of David, seen in this crop circle

Further reading
* The Granite Man and the Butterfly by Jeane Manning - ISBN 978-0-96-993450-9
* Sacred Geometry: The Word Made Manifest by Robert Thomas - Atlantis Rising Magazine
* Granite StarShip by Paul Coulbeck Granite Starship Website
* The Twelve Planets Speak! by Carl Van Vlierdan UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS
* They All Told The Truth: The Antigravity Papers by Rick Crandall They All Told The Truth Website

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