David Derman

David Derman (April 9, 1933 - September 4, 2002 in Buenos Aires, Argentina) was an Argentine tango dancer who kept a record of the women with whom he danced in the milongas in a checkbook register. He danced with approximately 7,600 women. The card he would give to each woman he danced with would have the following note:

"You are now registered in my heart forever. You will not be for me just a name or a number. Please accept this souvenir from somebody who is deeply grateful for the dance we shared, a few minutes where we escaped from the world to enter into the kingdom of emotion and happiness that is tango. Thank you for dancing with me."

He danced as a salon dancer with Sally Potter in her movie The Tango Lesson. He died in front of El Beso before going to milonga.
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