Dave Hamilton (author)

David John Hamilton (born 1974) British author, journalist, gardener and forager. Born in Northampton he now lives in Frome, Somerset.
Family Foraging
UK March 2019 Quarto/White Lion
US May 2019 Roost Books
Also translated and published in France,Holland,Denmark May 2019
Published under his full name David Hamilton (used for children's books). Family Foraging examines 30 edible plants commonly found in the Northern Hemisphere. It shows you how you how to identify them safely and gather them to make delicious recipes that are easy to create and tempting and nutritious for young children.
It was translated into French, Dutch and Danish and a US edition was produced by Roost Books
Wild Ruins BC
Wild Things Publishing March 2019
Described as a sequel to his best selling Wild Ruins, Wild Ruins BC "reveals Britain’s extraordinary ancient history, from 10,000 years ago to the birth of Christ. Exploring over 400 wild sites, discover the lost remains and mysterious stones that lie hidden in some of the most beautiful landscapes of Britain. From sacred tombs and caves, to awe-inspiring stone circles and earthworks, Bronze Age brochs to dramatic Iron Age hillforts"
Wild Ruins
Wild Things Publishing May 2015
Wild Ruins (Wild Things publishing) documents the history of Britain through some of its lesser known ruins. In June 2015 it reached the top ten on Amazon and was featured in the Daily Mail Online and BBC History Online. It has gone on to sell over 20,000 copies.
Grow your Food For Free
Green Books April 2011
The award-winning 'Grow your food for free ...well almost', a guide to growing vegetables and garden DIY using recycled materials has become a classic in permaculture circles.
Selfsufficient-ish Bible
Hodder and Stoughton 2008
Dave's writing career started after his experiments in urban self-sufficiency whilst studying for a BSc in Nutrition and Food Science at Oxford Brookes. These experiments led to his first book 'The Self Sufficient-ish Bible: An Eco-living Guide for the 21st Century ().
Other work
Historically Hamilton and his twin brother Andy ran a website called Selfsufficientish. Although some of their work remains on the site neither have had anything to do with its administration for years.
His diverse interests are reflected in his diverse writing; he has written for BBC History, Countryfile, Country Walking, Gardener's World magazine, the Guardian Weekend and Grow your Own. He has tackled social commentary for International Times and Alan Moores' now defunct underground magazine Dodgem Logic. He also writes about food, home improvements, wildlife and natural history.
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