Danny Phantom (character)

Danny Phantom, the heroic ghostly alter-ego of Daniel "Danny" Fenton, is a superhero, the protagonist and title character of the Nickelodeon animated television series Danny Phantom, created and designed by Butch Hartman, Shannon Tendell, and Stephen Silver. Danny Fenton/Phantom is voiced by David Kaufman.
Danny receives his powers through an accident with his parents' ghost portal. Throughout the series, Danny struggles to master his abilities while balancing school life and his own teenage emotions.
His parents are Jack and Maddie Fenton, and his older sister is Jazz Fenton. He has two best friends, Sam Manson and Tucker Foley. Danny is a fourteen-year-old freshman in Casper High. Unpopular, he is the victim of bully Dash Baxter and harbors a crush on Paulina, a popular student.
Creation and conception
Hartman originally envisioned Danny as a normal human who hunted ghosts. Accompanying him would be an owl named Spooky and his means of travel would be a motorcycle; Hartman paid tribute to the latter later in the series. He and Sam also were meant to share a psychic connection. Danny is shallow and superficial and yearns for popularity.
Later in the series, Danny moves beyond the superficial to focus on his goal as a superhero, preferring to step out of the spotlight when he is not on-duty. However, he continues to uphold his vow to protect his hometown, Amity Park, and those in need. He develops confidence and matures as he continues to develop his powers, but ultimately, his loyalty to his cause helps him overcome obstacles. Even when the public vilifies him early in his career,
Danny says that his battles had a "pattern: "Witty banter, fight, kick-butt, lesson." This flaw shatters his confidence and self-esteem and hinders his actions as a ghost hunter. Danny enjoys eating junk food and playing video games such as the video game Doomed. He is a fan of the band “Dumpty Humpty.” Danny is a gifted artist as shown in the episode Fright Knight. He gains his "DP" insignia during the Season Two premiere. When Walker, Ghost Zone's ghost cop frames Danny for assaulting the mayor of Amity Park Danny does not become discouraged and vows to continue protecting Amity Park. He eventually gains the townspeople's trust when he saves Amity Park and the Ghost Zone from an old, powerful ghost king. By the end, he is known and beloved over the world.
One theme is Danny's constant battle against his temptation to abuse his powers. This comes full circle when Danny cheats on his tests, resulting in a future timeline where he becomes Dark Danny, the most powerful, evil ghost. Danny defeats his future self using the element of surprise and the newly acquired Ghostly Wail. Clockwork, a ghost that oversees time, gives Danny a second chance and alters the dark future.
Danny has his secret identity exposed three episodes, "Reality Trip," "Ultimate Enemy" and "Phantom Planet." On two of these three occasions, everyone, except Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, has their memories wiped.
The final episode chronicles Danny's struggles to compete against the "Masters' Blasters", a team of teenage ghost hunters who bests Danny. Danny retires after losing his ghost powers but regains his powers back when he goes to the Ghost Zone and returns to stop an asteroid from hitting the earth. He reveals his secret identity to the world upon victory, and the last scenes depict a bright future with him and his new girlfriend, Sam. He is able to walk on walls, though this is rarely utilized.
Danny gains a ghost ray that has become one of his most frequently used powers; He possess a ghost shield that can protect him by deflecting attacks. He has the ability to overshadow people and ghosts, causing their eyes to glow green as well as change their voice to his.
One of his most powerful attacks is the Ghostly Wail, He succeeds in splitting in two, It is unclear if he can breathe in space, though it is shown that he can handle its extreme conditions with little more than a space helmet.<ref name"Phantom Planet"/><ref name"Flirting With Disaster"/> Danny can also produce an ice beam to freeze opponents.
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