Danni Quee

Danni Quee is a fictional character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, playing a role in the New Jedi Order Series.

Vector Prime involvement
Danni was a member of the group called Ex-Gal that first sighted the arrival of the Yuuzhan Vong. She and the other Ex-Gal members originally believed the first Yuuzhan Vong vessel to infiltrate the galaxy to be an extra galactic asteroid or something similar. The vessel crashed into the ice planet of Helska 4, while being monitored by the group's instruments. Yomin Carr, a Yuuzhan Vong who had infiltrated Ex-Gal by using an ooglith masquer, convinced her to go to investigate, leaving him alone with the rest of the group, who he later killed off entirely. Danni was captured upon reaching Helska, but was not killed, because she showed bravery in the face of peril, something valued by the Vong. In captivity, she met Miko Reglia, with whom she attempted to escape, but who was killed trying. Later, Jacen Solo and Anakin Solo rescued her, and destroyed the group of Yuuzhan Vong who had held her captive.

Involvement in the Yuuzhan Vong War
Danni joined the New Republic after a while, and helped develop technology to help fight the Vong, including a yammosk jamming device, which scrambled the yammosk's signals, causing confusion and chaos among the troops it was commanding. This contributed significantly to the war effort. She also helped Luke Skywalker in his attempt to find and make contact with the sentient planet called Zonama Sekot. She and the others succeeded in finding the living world in the unkown regions of the galaxy after using the library on Csilla, but were unable to convince the world to help them in the war effort. Eventually, however, the world came over to their side, largely due to Danni's endeavors.

After the War
After the war was over, Danni and Luke both agreed that Danni's future was on Zonama Sekot, and she returned there to stay, permenantly resigning from the newly formed Galactic Alliance.
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