Daniel Wallock

Daniel Wallock (born May 14, 1996) is an American Internet marketer, writer and public speaker. He suffers from seven life-threatening heart conditions and has undergone several open heart surgeries.
Early life
In 1997, Dana Wallock and Leonard Wallock filed a lawsuit against PacifiCare Health Systems and Monarch Medical Alliance when they refused to pay for Daniel's in home nursing care for 6 months after his birth. The Los Angeles Times reported that, “The Wallocks contend that Daniel's condition was such that he required around-the-clock hourly feedings and monitoring, which the couple was neither trained nor physically able to do”.<ref name="latimes" /> Daniel appeared with his parents on ABC’s 2020 and several other national shows where they highlighted his story.
In 2014, on the day of his 18th birthday Daniel published his 1st book, “Right-Hearted: Finding What’s Right With a Wrong-Sided Heart”. Daniel gave 25,000 copies of the book away in the first few months of its publication.<ref name="forbes20" />
As a marketer, before his 21st birthday Daniel worked with over 50 companies including the American Heart Association, Amazon Studios, BMW i Ventures, and Sarah Lawrence College.<ref name="forbes21" />
* Right-Hearted: Finding What's Right With A Wrong-Sided Heart (2014)
* A Cliff Over Blue (2014)
* Hello Distance (2015)
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