Daniel HDR (born 1974) is a Brazilian comic book artist. : Born in Porto Alegre, began as a professional in comics and illustrations in 1988, with just 14 years old. First publishing guest sections at comics magazines and design, after as a regular artist for Brazilian publishing houses such as Press, D’Arte and others. In 1995, started publishing at the north-American comics publishers. His first work was illustrating Red Sonja - Scavengers Hunt. Other Marvel publications as Invincible Iron Man (1995), Avengers - Timeslide (1996) and XSE - Xavier Security Enforces (1996) have his work too, signing as Daniel Horn or working with the mark "Mike Deodato Studio". In a 3 years break (1997 to 1999), HDR completed his Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, working in parallel with comics (as writer, artist and editor) to many publishers, as Escala, JBC, Kingdom Comics and others. In 2000 he produced the official manga adaptation of animated series Digimon to Dark Horse Press. In 2005 (until 2008) worked as exclusive artist to Avatar Press , worked with many Lady Death books, including Medieval Lady Death regular series, Lost Souls, Sacrilege and Medieval Lady Death & Belladonna miniseries. With Brian Pulido, Daniel HDR worked on ' miniseries, nominated as BEST SCREEN-TO-COMIC ADAPTATION, on the TV SCREAM AWARDS. His new works include X-Men Forever (#22 to Marvel Comics), Marvel Sketch Cards series (Spider-Man and X-men Arquives, Marvel 70th Anniversary - to Marvel Comics and Rittenhouse Arquives), The Legion of Super Heroes, Wonder Woman and DC Universe Online Prestige Comics (to DC Comics) concept arts to electronic games (Marvel Ultimate Alliance) and collectibles (G.I. Joe Action Figures).