
Crederity is a background verification company which provides trust seals, online fact verification technology and background verification services to individuals, businesses, websites and NGOs. Crederity is a ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and is a TUV certified company. Crederity was funded by Morpheus Venture partners, of the 20 companies under its portfolio, three firms, Instablogs, CommonFloor and Crederity have raised venture capitalist funding. Crederity have offices located at Bangalore, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai & Hyderabad. Crederity is listed among Red Herring Asia 100 companies in 2009.
Crederity evolved as a startup from a graduate-undergraduate student collaboration within the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA. The business plan became one of the semi-finalists for Wharton Business Plan Competition at the University of Pennsylvania. After the founders, Rakesh Antala and Alex Mittal, won honors from Wharton in 2005 for their concept and technology, they established themselves in New York City and Philadelphia. Crederity established it's operations in India on December 2007. Rakesh Antala is the present CEO of Crederity.
Crederity offers background verification services for individuals, businesses, websites & non-government organizations. The firms which have credible background are issued a trust seal. The firm also provides twitter account verification to its clients. The major part of revenue arises out of background verification and criminal background check services it provides to corporate clients including Accenture, IBM, Convergys etc. Almost every BPO firm is actively seeking background screening of candidates at all levels, including vendors and contract staff.. Recruiters and corporations can streamline their background screening processes, making them transparent to clients and third parties as a differentiator, and shorten the hiring cycle by requesting candidates to obtain backgrounds pre-verified.
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