CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT Creative Development is the process of matching a unique creative personality to a compatible career. Creative development is not just about becoming better at a particular learned skill. It is more than improving your creative abilities. It is about combining all that is needed for a person to become the most creative they can be. It's about recognising and achieving their creative potential. Creative development is the journey in that direction. To use a metaphor: It's more than learning the techniques of driving a car, it's about knowing what destination you are interested in getting to and finding the right vehicles to get you there. CREATIVE PERSONALITY Academic research on creativity during the 20th century has mainly focused on Cognitive functions and Creative Thinking skills. This work is valuable but personal creative development is enhanced by a familiarity of their own personality, perceived needs, personal identity, dreams, interests, experiences, values, hopes and opportunities. Creativity is a uniquely human ability, exercised by unique individuals to create outcomes that are original, useful and beautiful. The goal is to discover those traits and translate them into a public, commercial or cultural voice. To communicate intrinsic connections into outward messages, objects and experiences to others. MOTIVATIONS Intrinsic motivation has long been recognized as part of the creative process, but ideas can be bigger than the author. Often their is the challenge of 'growing into' those big ideas. Along with the usual fear of personal failure or concept-failure. So creative people are not entirely motivated by intrinsic pleasure or satisfaction. The belief or hope that a personally interesting idea presents can provide a secondary motivation to proceed. DESIGNING YOURSELF It's about creating yourself. Or re-inventing yourself. Becoming one of your best ideas. Turning the design process on yourself. A person who needs to create, goes through their own incubation phase. Then hopefully, emerges with a new idea about whole they are and their role. These are some of the questions a person needs to consider, if they are to grow creatively: • What are your interests, talents, personal highlights, view of the world etc.? • What could my life's work or life's theme be? How do I design a purpose or role for my life? • How do I plan a sustainable creative future? • What are the things that block or hinder my personal creativity? • How can creative communication be used as content? And how do audiences respond to it? • What is Creative balance? What are it's benefits in regard to my developing creativity? • What advice can creative people of the past tell me about what fostered their achievements? RELATIONSHIPS Creativity has a lot to do with making new connections and associations between old ideas and objects. But for any idea to provide value there needs to be relationships as well. These are the human connections and associations. Creating novel and productive human interactions and social experiences can also be a creative act. Personal creative development can become stunted and ineffective without creating interpersonal value. 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