Copeland Family

The Copeland Family are believed to be direct descendants of the royal Romanian family Tepes, also referred to as the Dracul Dynasty. The family royal lineage begins with
the great grandfather Radu cel Frumos the brother of the legendary Vlad Tepes also known as Vlad the Impaler. Radu cel Frumos left a daughter Maria Mangop Voichita who married Stephen III of Moldavia to which she birthed a son Craftu Radic Copelanvia in 1470, who in his late 20's reconciled his name to Craft Copeland when he moved himself and wife Irina of Wallacia to London, England. No record of any children was found. No record of death is found for Craftu Radic Copelanvia, a Craft Copeland or his wife Irina of Wallacia.
However, in the Highgate Cemetery in England there is a Copeland Tomb with the name Craft Copeland enlisted as one of its occupants. His wife Irina of Wallacia is no where to be found in the cemetery grounds. Also listed as the tombs occupants are Conrad Copeland, Christian Copeland, Chalie Copeland, Carla Copeland, Carson Copeland, Colbie Copeland, Cullen Copeland and Callum Copeland. The tomb was built in 1839 when the cemetery itself was constructed by Stephen Geary although being victim of vandalism over the many centuries, it is only survived by a small tunnel in the back of the cemetery. Folklore tells a tale of when workers went to relocate the coffins in 1905 because the vandalism had created a major safety problem for anyone who entered it, the coffins were open and empty though nothing had been stolen and no bones or fragments found. In a very similar story when Craftu's great uncle Vlad III the Impaler coffin was opened days after his death in 1476, no trace of his body was found which is what sparked all the vampire myths and movies such as Bram Stokers Dracula. Vlad the Impaler is said to be the original vampire by vampire and paranormal enthusiasts.
There are living members of the family still living in parts of England, France, Italy and the United States. Many with the same names as their ancestors and are suspected by some to be a vampire coven, though no solid conceivable evidence to prove this theory has been found.
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