
ContentForces (CF) is a Dutch Content Management Systems provider which is located in Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Poland (Poznan) operating in the United Kingdom and Belgium as well. ContentForces provide a wide range of marketing materials that are used for marketing campaigns designed and organized by ContentForces. Customized Websites serve as a solid base for all campaigns. The production of the marketing materials and the campaigns can be managed by CF clients with a web based application.

The web-based application contains extended functionality like Content, Campaign and Workflow management. The application is an ‘in house’ developed application based on a Java environment which will be constantly extended with new features.

CF goal is to provide a high quality, easy to make marketing materials for reasonable prices. ContentForces serve clients in The Netherlands, Belgium and almost all West European countries to provide services to all levels of business from multinationals to small-middle sized enterprises (SME).
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