Computer-generated content

Computer-generated content (CGC) refers to various kinds of media content that are produced by a computer or machine as opposed to user-generated content (UGC) where the content is produced by users.
Web 3.0
As UGC is a key component of Web 2.0, CGC is a key element of Web 3.0.
In Web 3.0, the vision of the intelligent web uses semantic web, microformats, data-mining, machine learning, intelligent agents, and artificial intelligence technologies. They emphasize machine-facilitated understanding of information in order to provide a more productive relevant and intuitive user experience.
CGC is particularly useful for personalisation where content is generated to match a user's profile or browsing behaviour.
In Contextual advertising such as Google Adsense or Microsoft Adcenter Ad content are generated by server where relevancy is achieved by scraping the content that exist on the actual web page.
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