
Colourblocks is a British animated television series for preschoolers. Produced by Blue Zoo and Alphablocks Ltd., it first aired on the BBC digital children's channel CBeebies on 12 September 2022. The show follows the Colourblocks, block characters who represent colours. They live in Colourland and embark on adventures about shape and colour concepts.
Colourblocks follows the adventures of block characters in Colourland, each named after a colour, and also made up with a shape and colour of blocks. When one block hops on top of another, they transform into a different character to make a new colour. Many of the colours have styles and personalities associated with their colours.
BBC Studios commissioned Colourblocks as an animated series for children aged 3-6 to be developed by Essex production company Blue Zoo. The series was made to give children a deeper understanding of how colours are made.
# Red
# Blue
# Yellow
# Red Meets Blue
# Yellow Meets Red and Blue
# Green
# Green Means Go
# Chameleon
# Silly Colouring
# Orange
# Red and Yellow Meet Orange
# Purple
# The Uncoloured Castle
# Purple's Patterns
# Rainbow
#Claire Morgan
#Will Jennings
#Bayo Gbadamosi
#Harriet Carmichael
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